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Showing posts from December, 2016

Xcode vs Visual Studio - Mostly Used Feature Comparison

In this post, I will try demonstrate mostly used menus and functions of the most famous two Integrated Development Environments (IDE) of Microsoft and Apple... namely Visual Studio and Xcode respectively. Versions of the IDEs used in this post is Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Xcode 8.2.1. What you will find here is mostly used features like Auto Indent, Comment out, Uncomment, Debugging shortcuts, Attaching to a process etc. in a comparative manner. In other words, these features are demonstrated by using both Xcode and Visual Studio one by one. If you have already been using one of these IDEs, you will switch and adapt to the other IDE easily thanks to this article. 1- Auto Indent Xcode: Select the text Right click on the selected text Click on " Structure -> Re-Indent ". (Control + I) VS: Select the text Click on " Edit -> Advanced -> Format Selection " If you want to Auto-Indent all document (not only small por...

How to pass road test or driving test in US/CANADA? Tips to succeed..

Come to drive test center before half or one hour ago from the schedule to check in. Bring your documentation. (ID, receipt) Bring documentation regarding your car. (i.e. Insurance, registration, inspection etc.) Bring a car which is fully functional. A car whose doors, windshield, signals etc. are broken will not be accepted for the road test.  Before starting the road test, examiner will check some properties of your car: Right signal(rear and front), left signal (rear and front), brake signal. Make sure that all of them work properly. Choose a car you are comfortable with. This means that you know controls of the car very well like: wipers, headlights, emergency lights etc. Since you may need to use those during the test and you are expected to do regarding action. For example, if it is raining, you are expected to run wipers. If it is dark, you are expected to turn on headlights.  QUICK TIPS -Do not forget to fasten your seat belts. - Adjust your mirr...

How to change Country on Android Phone or Tablet PC?

When you moved to any country other than your original country, you need to change the region/country settings of your Android phone or Tablet so that you are able to download the apps specifically published for that country/region. 1- Open " Play Store " application on your Android device 2- Tap on  menu icon located on left upper side as shown in below figure. 3- Tap on " Account " on the menu list. 4- Now you see your account page. Tap on " Payment methods ".  5- Tap on " More payment settings " 6- After you tapped on "More payment settings", you will be redirected to google web page " " on your default web browser. Tap on menu icon located at left upper side of the page as shown in the below figure. 7- Tap on " Payment Methods " to add or edit your credit card info. 8- If you have already added a credit card info, tap on " ...

Why the color of battery icon is yellow on my iPhone?

Most of the iPhone user may encounter with this problem. Since whenever your battery goes below 20 %, a pop-up menu appears and asks for activating " Low Power Mode ". At first, you find this proposal logical and activate "Low Power Mode". Figure: Low Battery pop-up window appears When this pop-up window appeared, color of the battery icon is  red. If you choose Low Power Mode on the screen, then color of the battery icon will be yellow.  The scenario goes like this: 1- Battery level goes below 20% and a pop-up appears asking for "Low Power Mode" 2- You activate "Low Power Mode" 3- You plug in your phone to charge it. 4- You are in hurry or you do not have time and you plug out your phone before 80 % level. 5- After a while you recognized that color of battery icon is yellow!!! "OMG there is a problem with my battery". Since color red means " WARNING ", color yellow means " CAUTION " and color...

How to setup MongoDB tools to test/develop applications in C#?

In this article, I will be mentioning about how to install MongoDB infrastructure to develop any application in C#. After you have read this article, you will be ready to develop C#-MongoDB applications by following the below instructions step by step. Versions of tools used in this demo: Visual Studio 2010 .NET 4.0 MongoDB C#/.NET driver Version 1.11.0 MongoDB 3.4.0 Robomongo 0.9.0 1- Download MongoDB To download latest version of MongoDB, click here . Below page is opened. According to your Operating System, select MongoDB version and click to " DOWNLOAD ". After downloading, go ahead and install MongoDB. 2- Download RoboMongo Click  here  to download latest version of RoboMongo. As December 2016, latest version of RobomMongo is 0.9.0. To download the latest version, click " Download " button. If you want to download previous versions, click on " Download previous version " After that, select the OS and download RoboMon...